How to Remove Lint From Clothes

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How to Remove Lint From Clothes

Ways to Remove Lint From Clothes TidyHere Infographic

It happens far too often. You toss clothing into the washing machine without a speck of lint on it. When you later pull it out of the dryer, though, it is covered in lint. Lint-covered clothes look dirty even if they smell fresh and clean from the dryer.

Removing the lint before venturing out of the house is essential, but how can you remove lint without picking each fiber individually off your clothes?

What Is Lint, and Where Does It Come From?

How to Remove Lint From Clothes Tidyhere Image of a A Man Takes a Lint Filter Out of the Dryer and Cleans It From Dust, Lint, Hair, Wool.

Your clothing’s fibers naturally break into tiny pieces through wear and tear. When you launder your clothes, the washing and drying processes increase the breakage through heat and friction. A good portion of the fibers find their way into your dryer’s lint trap for easy removal. However, others will cling to your clothes.

What Is the Best Solution to Remove Lint?

The fastest and easiest way to remove lint from clothes is with a lint roller. Simply run the lint roller up and down your clothes, and the lint will be lifted away. You can do this either before wearing the clothes or immediately after pulling your clothes out of the laundry.

How to Remove Lint Without Lint Roller?

Removing lint with a lint roller is the easiest option, but it’s not the only one. If you have a roll of masking tape nearby, roll the tape around your fingers to create your own version of a lint roller. The sticky side of the tape should face outward. Instead of rolling the tape across your clothes, blot your clothes with your taped fingers.

You can also use a lint brush or dab the clothes with a clean dryer sheet. Rubber gloves and pantyhose also work well. For both of these options, insert your hand into the material, and run it across the clothes to collect the lint. You can also wipe your clothes with contact paper, packing tape or a clean scouring pad. Using antistatic spray before wiping down your clothes makes it easier to pull the lint off.

If you don’t have a lint roller, masking tape or any of these other solutions available, toss your clothes into the dryer for a few minutes. Empty the lint trap. Then, choose the air-dry or tumble-dry setting, and add a dryer sheet for good measure.

How to Remove Lint From Specific Fabrics

How to Remove Lint From Clothes Tidyhere Image of a Woman Cleaning Coat on Hanger with Lint Roller

The recommended lint removal methods vary slightly for different types of fabric. Before using any specific method, however, read the care label for specialized instructions.


If your cotton clothes are covered in lint and you have time available to launder them, wash them using white vinegar rather than detergent. Then, use the air-dry setting and a dryer sheet. Otherwise, any of the solutions mentioned above work well for removing lint from 100% cotton fabrics.


Wool is particularly prone to lint. Some of the same strategies already mentioned work well for wool, including a line roller, a lint brush, a pumice stone and a dryer sheet. In addition to these options, you can use a fabric shaver, a razor blade or a cashmere brush. A fine-toothed comb, such as a clean lice comb or baby comb, also will work.

Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, nylon and others, attract lint through static electricity. A lint roller or lint brush is effective at removing lint from synthetic fabrics. You could also try rubbing a dryer sheet or a pumice stone over the material. Do not use a pumice stone on nylon fabric, however, as it will likely be damaged. Another idea is to pour a cup of vinegar into your washing machine’s rinse cycle, and follow this by adding a dryer sheet and a microfiber cloth in your dryer. Use the low-heat or no-heat setting on the dryer.

How Do You Prevent Lint Buildup?

Ways to Remove Lint From Clothes Tidyhere Image of a Woman Doing Laundry

While removing lint from clothes may be easier to do than you initially thought, it’s better to avoid the problem altogether. You can dramatically reduce lint with these steps.

  • Use fabric softener in your loads of laundry.
  • Turn clothing inside out before washing it.
  • Choose the washing machine’s gentle and cold water settings.
  • Wash lighter fabrics separately from heavier fabrics.
  • Fasten the closures before washing clothes, including buttons and zippers.
  • Dry your clothes on low or no heat.
  • Always clean the dryer’s lint trap before each load.

Lint on clothes can seem like a never-ending problem, but this may be only one of many recurring cleaning issues that you struggle with. You have plenty of things to keep up with in your busy life, and trying to deal with cleaning your space and belongings is an unnecessary hassle.

With apartment cleaning in Boston from TidyHere, our professionals will do the dirty work for you. Schedule your first service with TidyHere today.