Homemade Glass Cleaner

Homemade Glass Cleaner

Make Your Own Homemade Glass Cleaner Tidyhere Infographic

While there are many glass cleaners available at local stores and online, it may seem like none of them deliver the streak-free shine that you want. They may leave long streaks or a foggy film behind.

You could clean the glass many times over with these products and never get the results you want. Rather than pay for another expensive cleaning product, you can try a few homemade glass cleaner recipes that work perfectly.

Why Choose Homemade Over Store-Bought?

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Store-bought cleaners are pricey, and you need to purchase a variety of cleaners to cover all of your needs. In addition, these cleaning products are often made from various chemicals. Some of these can be harmful to people and pets.

By choosing homemade cleaning products, you can save money and have complete control over the substances used to clean your house.

Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Homemade Glass Cleaner

You don’t need to make a special trip to the store to buy the ingredients for homemade glass cleaner. The ingredients are common items that you may already have in your pantry.

Vinegar Based Glass Cleaner

The basic recipe for vinegar-based glass cleaner is two cups of distilled water and a half cup of distilled white vinegar. If desired, you can also add 10 drops of essential oil for the aroma. Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle, and start cleaning.

Alcohol Based Glass Cleaner

Rubbing alcohol also works well on windows and mirrors. Because this is a disinfectant, it also kills germs on these surfaces. The ingredients are a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol, three tablespoons of distilled white vinegar and a cup of distilled water. Mix these items in a spray bottle.

How to Use Homemade Glass Cleaner Effectively

Make Your Own Homemade Glass Cleaner Tidyhere Image of a Woman Cleaning Windows

Before spraying your windows and mirrors with homemade glass cleaner, dust them. Then, apply the cleaner evenly over the entire surface.

After a few minutes, wipe down the mirror with a clean microfiber cloth. Avoid paper towels and rags as they leave small fibers on the glass. Start at the top and work downward.

It’s best to clean windows on a cloudy, mild day. Heat will cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly. This will create streaks.

Benefits of Using Homemade Glass Cleaner

When you make your own glass cleaner, you have control over the ingredients. Both of these recipes are safe and effective, and they are preferred to the chemical-based cleaning products available in stores.

In addition, the ingredients used to make homemade glass cleaner are cheap. They are also diluted, allowing you to further stretch your dollar. When used with a microfiber cloth, they will deliver the streak-free results that you expect.


What Is the Best Homemade Window Cleaning Solution?

The best homemade window cleaning solution is quick and easy to make. It includes distilled water and distilled white vinegar. A few drops of essential oil can be added as well for a pleasant scent.

For streak-free results, you should dust the glass first to remove loose debris. Use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe the mirrors. Did you know you can also add cornstarch to your cleaning solution? Here’s how:


Shiny✨Mirror! #cleaninghacks #cleanmirror #cleaningtips #cleaningrecipe #homemadecleaner #streakfreecleaning #mirrorshine #cleanbathroom

♬ original sound – Elnaz Hamai

Is Homemade Glass Cleaner Safe for Tinted Windows?

Tinted windows are covered in a film that can be damaged by acidic and abrasive substances. The vinegar used to make homemade glass cleaner can damage the film.

Specifically, it damages the tint’s ability to block solar UV rays and moderate temperature. When used periodically over time, it can lead to discoloration and deterioration of the tint.

Rather than using a vinegar-based homemade glass cleaner, choose soapy water or an ammonia-free product purchased at a local store. The product should specifically state that it is safe for use on tinted windows. Always use a microfiber cloth on tinted windows as it is non-abrasive.

How Do You Make Streak Free Glass Cleaner?

Streak-free glass cleaner only has a couple of ingredients, making it fast and easy to make.

You’ll need a half cup of distilled white vinegar and two cups of distilled water. While the cleaning solution that you use plays a key role in achieving streak-free windows, how you clean the windows is equally important.

Microfiber cloths are essential as they don’t leave behind the fibers that paper towels and other fabric cloths do. In addition, clean exterior windows on a cloudy, mild day, and always wipe the dust off the glass before you start.

Finding streaks on recently cleaned glass is frustrating, and it is only one of many challenges that you face when cleaning your house. Achieving the clean, healthy environment that you want doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. If you need help around the house, our professional Boston residential cleaners at TidyHere are ready to help.