How to Clean Your Mouse Pad Correctly

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How to Clean Your Mouse Pad Correctly

Even if we aren’t thinking about it too often, mouse pads collect dust, grime, and stains over time. Since it’s something we touch for hours on end, it gets dirty fast, especially if you regularly bring a desk lunch or find yourself snacking throughout the day. If you’ve had any glide or  tracking issues when playing games or getting your work done, a dirty mousepad may be the culprit!

Heavy regular use makes them a magnet for messes, they can build up with things like body oil, dirt, grease, and even bacteria, which is why professionals say you should add your mousepad to your regular cleaning checklist.

Is It Okay to Wash Your Mousepad?

The short answer is yes! When your mousepad starts to look, or smell, grimey and gross it is probably a good idea to give it at least a quick clean it with soap and water in the sink. Just remember to double-check the material your mousepad is made of and to look into any care tips and instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Not all gaming mousepad can or should be washed, so just make sure to do just a little bit of research before jumping in, especially if you’re hoping to preserve a specially printed or painted mousepad.

How Often to Clean Your Mouse Pad

Generally speaking, no matter what type of mousepad you have, lightly cleaning it weekly for the best (and most hygienic) results is best. This is especially true if you tend to snack or have drinks while you’re using your mouse and mousepad.

It is recommended that deep-cleaning your mouse pad around every two to three months unless a spill or an accident requires it, in which case you’ll probably want to clean it as soon as you can.

Common Types of Mousepads

Mousepads come in all kinds of fabrics, including leather, plastic, cloth, and even metal, which means that the best way to clean a mousepad depends on their material type.

✨ Cloth gaming mouse pads are the most common, and most of them can be cleaned using warm water and mild soap.
✨ When it comes to more durable pads, which are made from materials like hard plastic or metal, you can get more aggressive, you might even be able to run them through the dishwasher for a no-effort clean.
✨ For specialty mousepads, like luxe leather or ones with printed photos, you’ll need to use a gentler touch.

Pro’s Guide to Cleaning Your Mousepad

Cloth Mousepads

✨ To clean cloth mouse pads, submerge your mousepad in a bathtub or large basin (like your kitchen sink), preferably full of warm water (reminder: don’t do this with a wired / RGB mousepad).
✨ Pour a small amount of mild dish soap onto the mousepad. Remember, a little goes a long way.
✨ Use a brush to scrub the entire mousepad thoroughly to remove germs, stains, oil, and debris.
✨ Rinse the mousepad thoroughly and get it as dry as possible before setting it to dry on a towel, cloth side down.
✨ After a couple of hours, the mousepad should be ready for gaming! Repeat as needed.

Plastic or Hard Mousepads

✨ Get rid of debris. Shake the pad over a trash can. Use a clean dry wipe to remove any excess dust and gunk.
✨ Mix up a homemade solution consisting of warm water and mild dish soap or gentle liquid detergent (a 1:1 ratio works) and use a paper towel to apply the mixture.
✨ Use a clean damp cloth to wipe it down; then let it dry.

Leather Mousepads

✨ It’s best to begin by using a clean cloth to wipe off any dust or debris.
✨ Use a leather cleaner and a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the pad down; check with the manufacturer to ensure a leather cleaner is safe for use.
✨ Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dry time.

Photo Printed Mousepads

How to Clean Your Mouse Pad Correctly Tidyhere Image of a A Printed Mouse Pad

If your mousepad doubles as a keepsake, you’ll want to be a bit more careful about how you clean it. You can still use the Dawn and warm water mixture, but you should skip the heavy scrubbing and dishwasher. Instead, rinse it with warm water and allow it to air dry.

Tips & Tricks for Keeping a Clean Mousepad

Beyond a weekly cleaning, there are a few more steps you can take to keep your pad cleaner for longer, and this maintenance should include cleaning your mouse, as well.
✨ Open up the mouse and remove the ball, if it has one.
✨ Use something small (like a paperclip) to remove the lint and debris that build up over time in that compartment.
✨ Roll the trackball around in a clean cloth, wipe down the exterior with a cloth, and you’ll be all set.
✨ Another way to help keep your mousepad clean involves watching what you eat and drink while you work.
✨ Lastly, you should always test any chemicals you’re using on a small and inconspicuous part of your mousepad to ensure it won’t ruin the material.


Can you steam clean a mouse pad?

Steam cleaning your mousepad might seem like an effective method, but generally speaking, we don’t recommend it for most mousepads. Because you never know how your particular mousepad will react, it is best to stick to the methods above or check for any instructions from the manufacturer.

How do you get stains out of mouse pads?

The easiest way to clean a mouse and get rid of stains is by lightly hand washing the mousepad with warm water. Then apply a small amount of soap. Rub the soap onto the surface of the mousepad, using the sponge to scrub away any stains. Rinse the mousepad with cool water and allow it to fully dry before treating the stain again if necessary.

How to Avoid Damaging Your Mousepad When Cleaning

How to Clean Your Mouse Pad Correctly Tidyhere Image of a Desktop with a Mousepad and Desktop

DO: Scrub the affected areas with dish soap and warm water in the sink, and rinse with cold water. Air dry for a day.

DON’T: Clean it in your washing machine or dishwater. Never place it in the microwave or use any intense fabric cleaner on it if it’s hydrophobic. Ovoid putting it in the dryer, use a hair dryer on it, or leave out in the sun.

For more cleaning tips and tricks from your favorite cleaning experts in Boston, check out our blog full of helpful methods and DIYs for around the house. While you’re there, you can also browse and book your cleaning services with us so you can kick off your New Year with a clean home. We’re here to help you keep your home happy and healthy all year long!