A beautifully applied coat of nail polish to your fingers and toes completes your look. However, drips and spills are unfortunately common. Sometimes, the application is perfect, but you brush your nails against your clothes before the nail polish has dried.
If you’re dealing with a nail polish stain on your clothes, you might be frustrated enough to toss the clothes in the trash can. Before you take this drastic step, however, there are a few tried-and-true stain removal options to try.
Are Nail Polish Stains Permanent?
Nail polish dries to a hard finish, so you might initially assume that the stain is permanent. However, there are actually several options available to remove nail polish stains from your clothes.
When removing a stain, only apply gently pressure while blotting at the stain. Rubbing the stain will force the nail polish deeper into the fibers. If this happens, your stain removal project is far more difficult.
What Removes Nail Polish From Clothes?
While there are many products that can remove nail polish from clothes, not all products are suitable for all types of fabric. Always test a hidden area of the fabric before applying the product to the stain.
Once you decide which cleaning product that you can safely use on the fabric that you’re working with, you’ll need a clean microfiber cloth to do the dirty work.
Acetone is effective at removing nail polish from your fingers, but it can damage your clothing. For example, the acetate found in my garments will dissolve when exposed to acetone.
In addition, it is known to bleach many types of fabric and can remove dyes. If you choose to blot a nail polish stain on clothing with nail polish remover, choose a none-acetone product.
Rubbing Alcohol
Before using rubbing alcohol to remove a nail polish stain, place a clean rag underneath the garment. This prevents the stain from spreading. Use a separate clean cloth to blot the stain with the rubbing alcohol. The goal is to press and lift the nail polish rather than rub it.
After the stain is no longer visible, use cold water to rinse off the rubbing alcohol. You can then launder the clothing in the washing machine with your regular laundry detergent.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for removing nail polish from some types of clothes. Research the care instructions on your garment and test a small area before applying hydrogen peroxide. The removal instructions are identical to the instructions for rubbing alcohol.
Saturate the stained area with hairspray. Blot the stain with a clean, old cloth until the stain is no longer visible. Then, rinse the clothing with cool water before washing it as usual in the washing machine.
Vinegar and Baking Soda
Make a baking soda and vinegar paste. Apply the paste to the nail polish stain with a clean cloth. Rub the stain with the cloth. After rinsing the area with cool water, you can place the garment in the washing machine to wash it as usual.
Laundry Detergent
Removing a stain with laundry detergent is best done when the stain is still wet. After removing as much of the nail polish as possible with a paper towel or a flat surface, saturate a cotton ball with your regular liquid laundry detergent.
Cover both sides of the stained area to thoroughly remove the stain. Once the stain is gone, run the clothing through the washing machine.
How to Remove Nail Polish Stains From Carpet and Upholstery
Nail polish on carpet and upholstery can be permanent if you let them sit in place for too long.
Use a microfiber cloth moistened with either rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to blot the stain. Repeat this process until the stain is gone. Then, wash the carpet with a small amount of warm water and liquid dish soap.
For nail polish on upholstery, combine liquid dish soap and warm water in a bowl. Dab a microfiber cloth in the soapy water, and then blot at the stain until it is no longer visible.
If the stain lingers, make a baking soda and water paste. Dab the paste onto the stain, and let it remain in place for 15 minutes. Then, use a clean, wet microfiber cloth to remove the paste.
Additional Tips for Removing Nail Polish Stains
Upon noticing a nail polish stain, you might be inclined to rub at it as soon as possible. However, you should never rub a wet nail polish stain. Give the polish time to harden before attempting to remove it. You can use an ice pack to dry the stain as soon as possible. By doing so, you’ll prevent the stain from setting deeper in the clothes fibers.
If the stain is very large, use a pair of tweezers to pick out the dried nail polish first. Pull as much of the nail polish off of the fabric as possible before starting the stain removal process. This will make the cleaning process much faster and easier.
How Do You Get Dried Nail Polish Out of Clothes?
If you’re dealing with a dried nail polish stain on clothes, try to pull off as much of the nail polish as possible using tweezers. You can then blot the stain with non-acetone nail polish remover, hairspray, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a vinegar and baking soda paste.
After removing the stain, rinse the garment using cool water and run it through the washing machine.
What Is the Best Way to Remove Nail Polish From Clothes?
Rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and hairspray are among the best products to use when removing a nail polish stain from clothes.
However, some products may damage certain types of clothing. Always read the care label, and test a small, out-of-the-way area of the fabric before trying to remove the stain.
Will Acetone Damage My Clothes?
Acetone is safe to use on many materials, but it can damage items made out of modacrylic, triacetate and acetate. Never use acetate on these materials.
Acetone could damage some other materials as well. Always test a discreet area before trying to remove a nail polish stain with acetone. If you are uncertain, use a non-acetone nail polish remover as an alternative.
Knowing how to clean and care for your home and belongings is essential to get the most enjoyment and life out of them. Unfortunately, this can be easier said than done in some cases. Are you looking for an easier way to keep your home and belongings neat and tidy? Book house cleaning service with our team at TidyHere today.